Reign White Gummy Bear
I didn't know what to expect from such a ridiculous flavor name, though I had faith in Reign's flavor developing skills. My instincts were right, as Reign has another winner.
Overall Score
I didn't know what to expect from such a ridiculous flavor name, though I had faith in Reign's flavor developing skills. My instincts were right, as Reign has another winner. The flavor is difficult to describe, but delicious nonetheless. It really is one of those that you have to try the flavor instead of just reading about it. Especially if you're like me and don't know what a white gummy bear should taste like. The drink is complemented nicely by good packaging. Reign's newest product is a good one.
The flavor is sweet and complex. It has the sweetness of candy yet also is slightly tart. The taste is hard to describe, it seems to be a mix of citrus flavors. Almost as if Reign mashed together pineapple, lemon, and lime flavored skittles into a drink. The result is delicious and I'd put it towards the top of Reign's drinks.
The black background seamlessly blends with the black top of the can, allowing the accent colors to pop. The green and yellow accents pair well and reflect the citrus flavors. The can tab looks great as a light, metallic green. Unfortunately, it doesn't match the green found on the rest of the can. There is a grippy texture on the label, just like many Monster cans. It isn't surprising development considering that Monster owns Reign, but it is a welcome attribute.
White Gummy Bear has 300mg of caffeine. The drink is approximately equivalent to three cups of coffee.
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