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PRIME Energy Drink Strawberry Watermelon

The strawberry watermelon combination tastes like summer in a can.

Overall Score


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We go to the third drink in the PRIME Energy Drink variety pack, Strawberry Watermelon. I specifically picked it out of the remaining options since it's a hot, humid day in the DMV area and I wanted something light, fruity, and refreshing.

Strawberry Watermelon fits that mold, at least in my head. I'm kinda excited to see how the strawberry flavor plays, specifically, since I feel like it's an underutilized and possibly underappreciated fruit in soda/energy drinks.



The strawberry watermelon combination tastes like summer in a can. It's extremely refreshing. The individual fruit flavors come through equally strong and have an unexpected synergy that's especially evident in the sweet aftertaste.



Nice can and the pink catches the eye.



The kick in this drink is nice. I felt the effects almost instantly. PRIME Strawberry Watermelon contains 200mg of caffeine. No sugar, instead with sucralose as the sweetener, and coconut water.


PRIME is back. After a disappointing second endeavor for me, Strawberry Watermelon is going straight to the top of the leaderboard.

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