M-150 Energy Drink
Crank up the sweetness in a Red Bull by about 200%, take out the bitter flavor, and you get this M-150.
Overall Score
This came in as a requested energy drink review submitted on the site, so of course we had to oblige. I can't say I've ever had a 5oz energy drink, or one imported from Thailand, so it's a round of firsts for the M-150 Energy Drink. Here goes nothing.
This taste description is going to be really simple and easy to understand. Crank up the sweetness in a Red Bull by about 200%, take out the bitter flavor, and you get this M-150. It's definitely too sweet to drink in a few gulps, but I found enjoyment sipping on it slowly over the course of a few hours, while alternating with water or coffee.
Small, 5oz glass bottle with a yellow, white, and red scheme and copper top. I can't say it's a stunning design, but it's certainly not the worst I've ever seen.
M-150 has 50mg of caffeine and 26g of added sugar in the 5oz bottle. Holy shit. I drank it too slowly to really tell if it has an effect, but since it's only 50mg of caffeine I can't imagine anyone's getting a crazy kick.
I'm really glad I tried this drink because it's so unique, but I can't say I would seek it out again. I'll probably pawn off a few of these bottles on my friends and enjoy the rest for myself.
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