UPTIME Original Citrus Cane Sugar
Very smooth and extremely crisp. Like a nice McDonalds sprite from the fountain.
Overall Score
Time to come back to the sugary goodness filled twin brother of one of my all-time favorites, UPTIME Original Citrus Sugar Free.
Very smooth and extremely crisp. Like a nice McDonalds sprite from the fountain. I can taste the cane sugar but it’s not overwhelmingly sweet. Gets high marks from me along with the sugar free version as the standard for citrus energy drinks.
I gave the white (sugar free) UPTIME cans a 9/10, but I’m gonna drop this one to 7.5. Still a great design but the black can doesn’t look as slim and clean in my opinion.
142mg of caffeine in a 12oz can which fills a nice niche for me; when I want something in between a coffee and the typical 160-300mg energy drink. Keep in mind you might get a sugar crash if you’re sensitive to that. 37mg of added sugar in total.
If you like any kind of citrus flavored soda you’re gonna enjoy this drink. It’s not anything crazy, but it hits the spot for me in so many ways, with the refreshing taste, slim can, and reasonable amount of caffeine. A delicious palette cleanser, if you will, between the insane flavors that we have the honor of being able to get in the market nowadays.
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