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Red Bull Pear Edition Crisp Pear Sugar Free

Crisp Pear fills the niche of being a sweet, fruit flavored alternative to the classic Red Bull.

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A twist on the classic Red Bull drink, time to review sugar-free Red Bull - The Pear Edition.



The name of the drink is staggeringly accurate here. It’s crisp, it’s pear, and that’s about it. In classic Red Bull fashion the drink isn’t trying to do too much and it retains the typical Red Bull flavor. It’s bitter, but has a really nice, sweet Pear flavor. If you’re specifically a fan of sugar-free drinks, the Sucralose taste comes through.



Silver and green can with a sugar-free blue label on the top. It’s a pretty average can with nothing standing out, but it’s clean. I’ll give it a tad over average with a 5.5.



114 mg of caffeine in the 12oz can. If you’re looking for a big kick, you probably want to pivot to, well, any other energy drink brand. For me, Red Bull functions as an effective substitute for coffee when you’re feeling a sweet, cold drink.


Red Bull Crisp Pear is a nice addition to the Red Bull lineup. While not being a crazy flavor, it fills the niche of being a sweet, fruit flavored alternative to the classic Red Bull. If you’re looking for a pick me up without too much of a kick, don’t hesitate to pick this one up.

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