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Monster Zero Ultra

It’s crisp, sweet, and refreshing with a nice aftertaste - definitely the drink I reach for if I want a consistent, delicious kick.

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Time to review the GOAT, aka Monster Zero Ultra. I’ve put this one off since I’ve had probably 300+ of them in my life (shoutout late nights studying in college), but I had to come back to it at sometime. To me, Zero Ultra raised the bar from your basic Monsters, Rockstars, and Red Bulls; and is what I measure pretty much every energy drink against today. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect, but it’s definitely the drink I reach for if I want a consistent, delicious kick.



Just like some of the original energy drinks, I think it’s difficult to accurately describe the taste with Zero Ultra since it’s not fruit based. The word “ice” pops into my head, but that doesn’t really help. It’s crisp, sweet, and refreshing with a nice aftertaste that I think comes from the sucralose (artificial sweetener). 9.5 from me on taste.



Maybe it’s not that cool, but I remember being drawn to it when I tried it years and years ago. The white and silver can still isn’t like anything else I’ve seen in the current market. Pours out clear with medium carbonation.



140mg of caffeine, 10 calories, 0 sugar, Monster energy blend. At 8 for kick, I’m giving this higher than I normally would with 140mg of caffeine for the reason I listed above - I’ve had this a million times. And I’ve never felt a crash or been jittery. I don’t know what it is, but this has the sauce.


If you couldn’t already tell, I like this drink. We have a long history. I’m not going to give it a perfect 10, but 9.25 is pretty darn close.

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