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Health-Ade PLUS Kombucha Energy

This kombucha objectively tastes bad, but when you boil it down it's just kind of shitty tasting, bubbly, caffeinated tea, and that's honestly not the worst.

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Ok, this time I actually have a valid excuse to review kombucha. It's PLUS ENERGY! I've been eyeing this drink for a while since it combines two of my true loves, and with a 50% off site-wide Black Friday deal I had to pull the trigger on a variety pack with this in it.



Just because I love kombucha doesn't mean every flavor is good... or maybe I just haven't truly acquired the taste yet. I usually like the fruit flavored kombucha, but the taste here is more basil and less lemon than I expected. Very herb-y. Unless you love both lemon and basil I don't think you'll enjoy the taste. Buyer beware.



Health Ade has this design for all of their kombucha line, but I feel like they could have gotten a little weird with the "Energy" version. I'll say it's just under average - 4.5.



This is the only caffeine/energy focused kombucha I've seen, and at 120mg of caffeine it definitely blows the standard ~10mg out of the water. Kombucha is obviously tea-based, so it has that as well as added Guarana.


This kombucha objectively tastes bad, but when you boil it down it's just kind of shitty tasting, bubbly, caffeinated tea, and that's honestly not the worst. This kombucha definitely has it's niche as the only energy focused booch on the market right now, but I do wish it was a more mainstream flavor instead of having basil involved. Don't get it twisted, I like basil, but on my food and not in my drinks.

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