BANG Black Cherry Vanilla
If you're a Bang truther and like artificial cherry and vanilla, this is probably the perfect storm for you.
Overall Score
Bang Black Cherry Vanilla is one of the last Bangs I have to review before I get to the flavors that sound disgusting - Rainbow Unicorn, Cotton Candy, Radical Skadattle... you get the idea. I've been impressed with the Bangs that sound normal-ish, so the bar is relatively high.
I LOVE both black cherry and vanilla so I had high hopes going in. Bang Black Cherry Vanilla doesn't disappoint, but it doesn't wow for me. It's definitely true to the name, with a smooth black cherry vanilla that's blended together well. I don't have it higher than 8.2 because of the aftertaste. It's weird and unfortunately I don't have a better way to describe it. Maybe it's from the artificial sweetener?
Nothing crazy to see here. If you like the Bang logo, it's awesome, because that's the only thing on the can. 5 since it's meh for me.
Bang always packs a punch and this is no exception. 300mg of caffeine and zero sugar. Aminos, Creatine, and CoQ10.
Extremely solid drink. Smooth, tastes as advertised, and refreshing. The only things I can knock it on are carbonation, which I would prefer higher; and the weird, bitter aftertaste. If you're a Bang truther and like artificial cherry and vanilla, this is probably the perfect storm for you.
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